I grew up drinking lots of home made soup made by my mummy. It's always a must during dinner. Soup is really nutritious and they are good for your skin. So that's what I've been told/conned since young! haha...
Anyway, I hope this soup gets to warm your heart as much as it warmed Jon's...:D

2 Carrots
2 Sweet Corn
1/2kg Pork Ribs
Hand full of Red Dates
Hand full of Dried Scallops
1. Break corn into 2 pieces.
2. Cut carrots into bite size.
3. Boil pork in a pot of water for bout 5mins and then drain.
4. Then pour all the ingredients into a pot with bout 1.5litres of water.
5. Boil for about 2 hours and I hope it warms your heart...:)