I would like to say a big Thank you to all of you for all the wonderful well wishes!! I am truly truly touched!!
Even before midnight, I started to receive sms from my ever "one step ahead" cousin sister. Then followed by all my lovely and thoughtful fwens families and lovers...
(This version I unshamely adapt from Robin's blog....:P)
4th June
8.38pm Joyce (so early, because she has to put her kids to sleep)
5th June
0000 My Darling...
0001 My dearest sister Li Ping
0002 My one and only Sister in Law (in Singapore) haha
0021 Cousin Raymond (aka Ah Boy)
0024 The other love of my life Bandi
0034 My "Fake" sister Kim
0034 My "Fake" daddy Terence
0047 Very drama Suhaimi
0054 Mui I will always love Mei See
0209 My one and only 'UNCLE' Mr Edwin Sim
0556 Another mui that i will always always love and adore Mei Yee
0647 All the way from Canada Michele
0707 Excellent chef! My aunt Leong Kam Ling
0757 The best DAD!! Richard Key
0811 My Cartier Sister Ms Annie Ng
0813 My fluttery lashes girlfriend Ms Janice
0833 Super efficient colleague Emily OH
0850 Another yummy mummy Clara
1049 Newly wed cousin Joanna
1127 Swiss Ah Mo Olivier
1134 My ONLY Brother In Law Ben
1151 My ever so sweet Mother and Father in Law
1223 Very handsome Uncle of mine Mr Paul Leong
1302 Cute and adorable Chris Chia
1346 Cartier's Number 1 Top Salesperson Ms Samantha Loh
1349 Mr Citibank Terence Kong
1541 Long lost friend Chen Wei
1826 Super Funny colleague Ms Carmen Heng
1904 My Loving brother, sis in law and my favourite Niece Eleena
2143 Ever thoughtful cousin from Dallas who called then sms me Mei Sim
2308 Singapore airlines very own Poster Girl Ms Priscilla Shum
I am overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!